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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

For the Love of Film

I LOVE film. It is like chem lab meets art fair.  I find so much satisfaction in shooting a roll of Tri-X and then swishing chemicals in my kitchen. It always gives me a thrill to unload the  tank and see the negatives for the first time. This is the time when I usually start messing things up though....dust, scratches, cats who think negatives bat around well. :) No matter though, it is still fun and a great way for me to capture my everyday without feeling the need to post process. I love digital imagery so much, but it requires a different type of work. I must create after I create and that is sometimes laborious and well, not fun. Film gives me permission to just capture the moment and let the chips fall where they may.

So here are some of my favorite images from the last month that I developed with my kiddos. Thank you so much for stopping by and please continue on with out Film-Loving circle by stopping by the blog of The wonderful and sweet Jo Clark!

The most beautiful sight in the cleaning!
This was a full blown sick day...:( 
 Our farm looked like black birds were attacking!
My bed looks like this every.
 ...and the bean bag pic a little bigger. No, they will NEVER do that  again. I don't even remember taking the picture because I was yelling at her the whole time. We had thrown this bean bag out, but the kids had other ideas. Who needs the ladder?


  1. I don't even know what to say sometimes when I see your work. Your vision and the way you capture and share your life through a lens is like watching a movie script unfold in front of me. You have such a talent for images with depth and meaning and also capture stunning landscapes and non human images. I love every one and laughed out loud at the bean bag especially after you sharing the story on our fb group wall! Thank you for continually inspiring me Caroline.

  2. Love these- every single one :) And I love that you do it all from shooting to the developing... You rock!

  3. These are all amazing, Caroline!! Love how you ended with the beanbag one :) The one with the birds is just fabulous! Adore your work :)

  4. Oh my gosh - the bean bag pics!!! I'm glad you documented that moment though - despite it all! I love each of these - especially the landscape/barn/birds shots.

  5. these are such a beautiful glimpse into your world. wait, not a glimpse, a VISION. i am so impressed and inspired by you, caroline...xo
