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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Lensbaby Blog Circle: April

I have had the best time playing with a new lens from Lensbaby! The Lensbaby LM-10 iPhone lens made its debut on Kickstarter this month and already met the goal for launching production. I couldn't be more excited! Here are a few of my favorites from the last few days. :)

When you are done, please go on to my sweet friend, Willie's entry this month! 

Mall of America  ceiling....

Starbucks, of course!

Vera Bradley chandelier....

Couldn't resist the pretty little dress in blur....

Stop shooting and FEED ME!

"The Scream" as interpreted by my girl....

 The last bowl of cereal (yeah, I got it!)

Even Sephora got a pic....

My little friend who is always ready to strike a pose....

Thank you for looking!

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